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Free Data Structures Review Session

When: Saturday, 12/17, 2:30pm-5:30pm

Where: CollabLab (join below)



2:30-4:00 - Review of Entire Course

4:30-5:30 - Q&A, Practice Problems


Wishing you all the best on the final! Almost done!!


Hi all, I know it was requested to share the recording of today's review. However, given the recording of the session was not planned, and we received an email request, in which concerns were expressed recording/uploading the attendance without knowing in advance, we think it is fair to respect these concerns.

To make it up, we are offering another free review session, Monday, 12/19, 3:30pm-5:00pm (if no one is in the call, text us at (518) 323 - 7018 and someone will join in 2 minutes), using the same link, in case you had any other clarifying questions. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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